Just another wee ‘taster’ (excuse the pun!) from an upcoming Home Plus Scotland (HPS) magazine feature. HPS are changing the food pages to make more of a food ‘section’ and so the fantastic chefs at the Braehead Cook School have agreed to help us out with recipes etc. HPS are going down the route of more seasonal ingredients which is a great idea. Anyway, had a long but good shoot today and if anyone’s looking for a nice day out or even a present with a difference I can totally recommend the cook school courses (I’ve been on one and plan to go again!).
Here’s a couple more pics from today…
I used mostly natural light today although I was tempted to get out the softbox, but I made do with a small gold reflector which is great for adding a touch of specular light. For example, I used it just out of the frame on the above shot of the chocolate sauce. Without it the light on the chocolate looked a bit dull and boring. It also added a bit of nice highlights to the edge of the slate. I shot this composition because the chocolate mirrors the slate edge a bit.
Once the feature has run I’ll probably upload a small set to flickr and post a link here for anyone who’s interested.
Ian :)