Thursday, 26 November 2009

House on the (windy) hill!


Just wanted to post a couple of photographs from a very recent house shoot we did for Home Plus.  Just finished processing the set and I really can’t decide which of these two I like the best!

The house was at the top of a hill and it was a very wild night up there, hence the title.

The top picture is obviously focused on the thistle motif with the distant lights slightly out of focus, while the picture below is the opposite.


I do like both and have applied more editing than I have in the files being submitted to the mag, but I still can’t decide which I like most, so if anyone has any opinions feel free to leave them in the comments :)

It’s really late though so perhaps I’ll see them differently in the morning!  I’ll post a few more shots from the shoot soon.



  1. First one for me Ian, second one i really needed to scan to find the in focus bit

  2. Thanks Tom, I'm leaning that way too :)
