Tuesday, 10 November 2009

A wee walk up the Pentlands and some snaps!


I’ve neglected the blog a bit recently, mainly because I’ve been really busy and not had much of a chance to sort through all my processing.  I have a couple of posts in the works but I wanted to post a few landscapes I took at the weekend during a hike up the Pentlands.

I’ve been concentrating so much on work that I haven’t taken the camera out just for fun in months, so even though the extra weight in my rucksack nearly killed me, I made a point of taking the D300 and a few lenses with me, and I’m glad I did as we had a fantastic day for it!

So here’s a few pics from oop the hills, we went over Turnhouse Hill, Carnethy Hill and Scald Law (which should be Scald mountain as far as I’m concerned!!).  This is all part of my ‘getting fit’ plan so expect to see more from hillwalks around here :)






Above is Scald Law!




One of my bro in law who is considerably fitter than me.


And lastly a pic of a fellow photographer, although I think he’d hiked up specifically for some shots.  I think he was waiting for some more dramatic light.  Usually a sure fire bet in November in Scotland but this day was beautiful, you can’t win em all I suppose.


If you’d like to see these larger you can check out the flickr set here


1 comment:

  1. nice set of pics Ian, maybe a wee ND grad would boost the skies in a few of them, give me a shout if you want some to try out :)
