Monday, 9 March 2009

Cramond shoot with Kayleigh

Had a good shoot on Saturday with a new model, Kayleigh. Despite horrible weather we came away with quite a few really really nice pictures. A friend of mine, Leah, came along to help with styling and Kayleigh’s partner David helped out with lighting. It was a group effort and it was worth it.

Cramond Island is a great location if you can get the weather and the low tide times right. I thought we were going to be lucky since sunset was 6 and we could get to the island a couple of hours before that so I had planned on dropping the ambient easily by a couple of stops and getting some wide angle shots of Kayleigh on the walkway, but alas it was P'ing down and bloody windy too!

We ended up shooting round the back of one of the old sub defense bollards but we used the wind to our advantage :) Also, I used a bit more harsh light that I normally do. Since using a brolly might mean someone taking off and ending up in Leith I opted for a gridded flash and it worked really well. I also found that it worked great for B&W conversions. But I also found that my Cactus triggers aren't as reliable as I thought they were. Bring on the UK radiopopper please!!

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